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Weird Science & Fuzzy Math With Dr. Smartyboots!
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This whole "Pardongate" pseudo-scandal has given me buttloads of material already. Keep it up, Arlen Specter (R-PA). You used to be okay for a 'Pub, but I guess you no longer give a rip about your rep.

I'll beat you yet, Chirac!

In order to make things easier for the Manchild, Putin and Chirac demonstrate the new method of negotiation.

Specter: "We'll see just how much of a 'buddy' he is"

WASHINGTON, FEBRUARY 23 (AP) -- The pardon investigation that continues to plague the Clintons, more than a month after their departure from the White House, is expanding.
Word is coming from a source in Washington that Congressional Republicans are now planning to subpoena "just about everyone," including every American who has ever been registered with any political party other than the Republicans.
"We'll be leaving no stone unturned this time," said the source, who asked not to be identified. "We have a definite strategery worked out. There'll be nothing subliminable about this."
The first name on the long, long list of those to be subpoenaed is Buddy, the former First Dog. He is to report to investigators on Monday morning, and to bring all papers relating to his time in the White House with him. When asked why Buddy was given such short notice, the source replied, "We've heard that Buddy has a tendency to destroy sensitive materials, especially paper, by urinating on them. We don't want to give him too much of a head start."
When informed last night of his impending subpoena, Buddy thumped his tail against the floor and said, "Woof."
"That is a very telling statement," said Sen. Arlen Specter (R-PA), who is one of those in nominal charge of the so-called "Pardongate" investigation committee. "You can bet the farm that we'll ask for a detailed explanation."

Copyright 2001 by John Racki. All rights reserved. Do not print or distribute without permission.

And here's a blast from the past...I wrote this the day before Selection Day, which now feels like years ago. I've updated some of it, but the spirit is the same.

From the home office in Columbia, SC:
10. Restoring Friday-night keggers to the White House
9. Major-league assholes from Texas. Yeah, big-time.
8. Resistance is futile.
7. What are you, nuts?!?
6. We can't let this happen.
5. What does THIS button do?
4. Your Shoulder to Weave On!
3. You know this isn't right.
2. Restoring honor and integrity to the...ah, screw it...
And the Number One Bush/Cheney rejected campaign slogan.....
1. Look, it's Bill Clinton! What's he doing? Go find out!

Copyright 2000 John Racki. All rights reserved. Do not reprint or distribute without permission.